Sunday, November 26, 2006

flights of fancy

-The little boy who walked through the airport carrying a stuffed animal dog that was as big as he was. He was so proud of it, and had to work hard not to trip over it.

-Seeing the twinkling city lights below from my plane window. They looked so small, and it was fun to imagine who lived there. I wondered what their lives were like, and if anyone had ever done the same flying over me.

-Entering the train in the airport that took me to baggage claim, and seeing Sara from school. I almost took the train before it, but changed my mind and went to the second one at the last minute. We were surprised to see each other, and enjoyed catching up after the holiday break. It was so nice to see a familiar face as soon as I got off the plane.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Whitney. . . it's great to read that you've landed and must be safely back in Big D, safe and sound. What a delightful week we have had, full of family, fun and thanks-givings. Your being home with all of us made the holiday perfect in every way. Love you so, Mother

Whitney said...

Why thank you, Mother! I had a great time with y'all. :)