-Watching one leaf swirl down from a tree outside my window. It dances down, being tumbled by the wind, taking its time, and lands as perfectly as a cat. Seeing the ground littered with leaves, I imagine that each one fell just as gracefully.
-Catching up with my cousin over the phone. We haven't talked in a couple of months, and it was so great to chat and anticipate all getting together for Thanksgiving.
-Stressing out more than necessary over plans, and then just watching them fall into place better than I could have orchestrated. It's amazing how little control we really have over our lives, and how much freedom we can find in just letting go.
The "letting go" must be connected to the leaf falling into place! :) Wow, what a beautiful photograph. It's amazing. Truly a "moment of the holy in the everyday."
thanks, belinda. i found this pic (it's not mine, see link below the post) and really love it. i hope your day is full of holiness tomorrow.
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