Sunday, November 14, 2010

the return of the fellowship

-Going to a presbytery meeting and enjoying the community found in that place. We were discussing important changes to the book of order, and I was honored to be able to speak in favor of the amendment. The discussion back and forth was wonderfully respectful, and while the vote didn't go the way I'd hoped it might, it was very close and true dialogue was achieved. I was also able to vote on new candidates for the ministry and was so encouraged to add my voice of affirmation there. I also reconnected with two women who were on my Committee on Preparation for Ministry and who continue to be supportive and read my blog here. It was such an uplifting day.

-Meeting up with Kyle, Josh and Amy and catching up with those awesome people who have been a part of my journey for so long. To be able to sit with them over good wine and chat about amusing college days, discerning calls, foodie tendencies and theology was such a gift. I'm so thrilled our paths have converged again.

-A decadent Sunday afternoon nap followed by an even more decadent cup of hazelnut hot chocolate.

(Kyle has suggested that, with my coffee obsession, I should sign blog posts with this: The Rev. Barista Whitney W. I like it!)

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