Sunday, April 17, 2011

a prayer for palm sunday

Last year on Palm Sunday, I shared this prayer from Frederick Buechner on my blog. I'd like to turn that into a tradition and share it again this Palm Sunday. May we all say "Yes" to the One who shows the way through dusty streets on a donkey, through nonviolent resistance even in the face of the violence of the cross, through the women weeping at the tomb refusing to abandon their Lord even in death and through the wonder of the resurrection that echoes the "Yes" of God for all of eternity.

Almighty and everlasting God, speak to us during these holy days that we may hear you. Then speak to us again and yet again so that, if in our hearts we answer you by saying "No," we may at least know well to whom we say it, and what it costs us to say it, and what it costs our brothers and sisters, and what it costs you. And when at those moments that we can never foretell we do indeed say "Yes" to you, forgive our halfheartedness, accept us as we are, work your miracle within us, and of your grace give us strength to follow wherever love may lead.

We bless you for the one who shows us the way and is the way and who will be, we pray, at the end of all our ways. Remember us. Remember us. For your mercy's sake. Amen.

**Here's a look at how people celebrated Palm Sunday around the world.

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