Tuesday, May 04, 2010

happiness, it comes...

-Love, love, loving my new Florence + the Machine t-shirt (along with her innovative music, of course).

-Hearing my co-worker Chris preach at his home church that's right down the road from me. It was challenging, connectional and conversational. A job well done. And there's something wonderful about the rare chance to worship in a church I don't work in.

-My sister saying, "Sometimes things are just meant to be."


Lynn said...

Are you happy about something in particular? Just reading between the lines. (But happy in general is good, too.) :)

Whitney said...

Hmmm, Lynn, not any one thing. It's just lots of things: call developments, enjoying work here a lot, good friends. I just love that line from a Florence song, "Happiness it comes, like a train on a track..." It reminds me of my train trip to Castlerock a couple of months ago. :)

Lynn said...

I don't know Florence, but will her / them out. :)

Am anxious to hear about the call developments.

BeluBelloBelle said...

Yes! happiness it comes in many ways.
Feel happy too when read this notes.
May the joy always sparkling every day of yours yeah ^_^

Whitney said...

Florence + the Machine are really great! Check her out. You'll probably end up recognizing some songs. Call stuff's developing...am going to visit a church in TX in a couple of weeks and really excited about them. Really do think we wind up where we're meant to be, so just have to be myself & pray!