I spent a blissful afternoon and night at my favorite wee cottage in Craigantlet with good friends, so grace from that will be shared soon (including pictures! camera's up n' running again!), but the biggest grace today is that my precious niece Gianna was baptized at St. Anthony's in Bryan, Texas. I really wish I could have been there, but was glad to get pictures from it. What a holy and happy day. In Evolve (youth Bible study), we looked at PCUSA's Brief Statement of Faith again and particularly poignant was the part where it says the Spirit "claims us in the waters of baptism." You are claimed, dear Gianna. You belong to God and to us.
Love you, Aunt Whit
Love you, Aunt Whit
What a blessed baby Gianna is, and she sure has a beautiful mother. And the best aunt ever...
Oh thank you, Lynn. We think she's pretty special. :)
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