-Going to "my office" (aka the coffee shop in town that has great wireless) to work on next Sunday's sermon and being greeted cheerily by the girl at the counter with, "Hey! You look cute today!" The weather's suddenly turned a little autumnal and so I wore a soft blue scarf.
-Grabbing a burger at Jim's where Ashley works. She greeted me with an exaggerated wave from the back. Another woman working there come straight over to the people behind us with a coffee pot in her hand and said with a smile, "I put it on as soon as you walked in the door." Later, she said to me, "Aren't you Ashley's friend? Did you get sunburned at the beach too?" I love small towns.
1 comment:
I live in a very small town too. I like small town living over the city living but I have to say I live near a small town because I live in the country. But the people are very nice and would help anyone who needs it. I like living where I do and attending a small country church.
Sounds like you had a great time at the beach.
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