Sunday, December 20, 2009

cup overflowing

I'm headed to Texas tomorrow for Christmas with my family and my FPC Bryan family and am so excited! Grace has abounded these days, and I've been so busy with it all, I haven't had time to record it. There was a night out with my dance girls where we ended up hearing live country (using that term loosely) music while I taught them to two-step and pretzel, there was a meeting with two of my good friends (who didn't previously know each other) of course at st. george's market, there was the always friendly and not-a-little-bit-sassy woman at the clothing stall who gave me a beautiful tapestry bracelet for free as a Christmas gift since I'm such a "regular", there were gatherings around soup and german bread, there were poignant, thoughtful prayers in worship led by 10-year-olds, there was fragrant, hot mulled wine in irish pottery goblets, there were christmas presents exchanged in living rooms and through letter boxes and there was fresh snow and a silver sliver of moon and a cozy warm bed. See what I mean?
Wishing you all a grace-full Christmas,

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