Wednesday, February 18, 2009

three's company (+ a dog)

Sorry I've been away for a few days...I have some more pictures to make up for it! My housemate Jonee is housesitting a lovely Irish farmhouse in Craigantlet, just a bit outside Belfast and near the beach. I took my friend Liz, and we all enjoyed a couple of days of watching movies, talking endlessly, relishing in a huge kitchen, walking on the beach with the amazing dog Casey and skipping stones in the Irish sea with such gusto that I was sore the next morning. I think the pictures convey the grace in this wee break. I hope you enjoy them. :) Whitney

(By the way--this is Casey's head as she dives in our game of "seaweed catch." She loved it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this a beautiful blog excellent