Thursday, August 30, 2007

layers of life

-Being DONE with ordination exams!!

-Receiving a package in the mail from my mom. It was a rather full card-sized envelope. As I opened it, a stream of willowy fabric kept coming out. (For a minute, I felt like I was doing a magic trick.) It turned out to be a lovely funky-patterned strapless dress for layering over things. The print is really wild and fun, and completely my style. I wore it when I went to the pub with friends to celebrate the completion of ords.

-Sleeping in. I slept so well, and have enjoyed a very lazy morning of making eggs, toast and coffee and watching mindless tv. I'm looking foward to using the day to read all of the novels I've been meaning to get to.


Unknown said...

Congrats Whitney! I know you were so tired of studying for 'em. We miss y'all around here.

Whitney said...

hey trey! thanks. i'm glad they're over with. hope things are going well...i miss y'all too. take care!