Friday, March 30, 2007

breakfast and elevenses

-As we left my car and walked to the diner, our usual server was in the parking lot saying hi to some people. She said, "Hi, ladies, I'll be right in to serve you" and smiled at us. When she came in, she came right over and said to me "coffee and water, right?" and knew we would all be ordering egg biscuit sandwiches.

-Finding a great spring coat at Finder's Keepers, a resale shop I love. It's a perfect fit (sleeves and all), and has a great pattern of blue-green circles. The brand is even great: "elevenses," a Lord of the Rings reference. While I thought we never have much spring here, just winter and summer, we had a cold front last night and I got to wear it.

-Catherine giving me a huge wave as she walked past my window and then, on her way back, calling. In a modern tapping on my window, she called my cell phone so I wouldn't be startled by someone at my window. I opened it, and enjoyed catching up for a few minutes with her.

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