Question: When you haven't seen a dear friend in over 2 years and you're finally on the same continent and are only a measly 10 hours apart over the holidays, what do you do?
Answer: Drive 5 hours each and meet in the middle, of course!
The middle happened to be Dallas, so my good friend Jen and I met there to spend a couple of days catching up and hanging out with our friend Stuart. Jen and I were roommates in Belfast when I was a Young Adult Volunteer there from 2004-2005, and Stuart was also a Y.A.V., in Argentina. It really did feel like no time had passed. Here are some of my glimpses of grace from the visit:
-Going to a cafe and drinking coffee for 3 1/2 hours while watching the rain bucket down outside, glad for the warm dry place to sit and the easy conversation (and the free coffee refills).
(I think we look like we're haunting this mirror.)
-Sitting in a Mexican restaurant for a "snack" of shrimp tacos, cerveza, salsa and chips and having another of those great conversations.