Monday, June 30, 2008
sharing beauty
-An intense Texas thunderstorm, complete with hail and lightning, that woke me up and then lulled me back to sleep.
-Getting a very thoughtful message from a friend that was encouraging and affirming, both of my sense of call and of who I want to be.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
more mo ments
I've been at Mo Ranch leading worship for their Youth Celebration and then catching up with friends, and have had so many meaningful moments. I'll share a few.
Friday, June 20, 2008
mo grace
-Driving by rocky hills and tree-laden rivers, with sun, cloud and blue sky reflected. The Texas hillcountry is a holy place.
-Seeing a group of campers and feeling brave enough to go up to them and say hello and tell them that I was once a camp counselor at Mo Ranch. It turned out, one of them was Erin, a wonderful child from my home church, who was healthy and joyful. Another was a former camper of mine, who is now a counselor-in-training! What a blessing I stumbled upon.
-Walking familiar paths and feeling like I've never left. Every step I take here is rich with memories and stories.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
-Discovering my old journal from my first couple of months in Belfast. It made all of those memories come alive again, and stirred in me a fresh awareness of the journey back I'm soon to embark upon. Do you know that in almost every entry I talked about how sure I was that I was called to be there? I'm praying for that same clarity and trust again. I'll share a favorite excerpt.
{September 10, 2004}"For tea (dinner) tonight, I went to the Blake's from Fitzroy. It was probably the most delightful meal I've had yet--and I'm invited every Friday! We chatted with Chris and their housekeeper from South Africa while the aroma of garlic and tomatoes filled the air and my first real Irish rain pelted the clear ceiling. While drinking the tea I'd longed for all day, I thought this was one of those moments I'd really remember."
-Making a quick trip to pick up my sister's dog Hayden and getting to see my lovely niece Natalie. Her eyes are so bright and full of hope and depth.
-Hearing a thump against my door and seeing Hayden shyly poke his nose in at me.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
life's a beach
-Lovely long sips of cool chardonnay on the hot beach. My Dad bought some vino for the occasion (aptly named, you might notice) and, with white cheddar cheese and cracked pepper crackers, it was perfection.
-Swimming in the ocean, letting waves carry me and jumping over them so I wouldn't get knocked over. The bigger the wave, the higher I jumped, as I laughed and swam my way through the warm, swirling, foamy, green waters. Kinda like life, isn't it? The bigger the "wave", the higher we have to jump over it, all the while keeping moving and laughing and enjoying the view.
Friday, June 13, 2008
all things Irish (tea, rain, flowers)

-That first sip of tea in the morning. (Coffee's great too, but this morning I craved my tea from Northern Ireland, mellowed with milk and sweetened with sugar.)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
natural inclinations
-Catching up with a great friend.
-A book I can't out down. (Curious? It's Someone Knows My Name...a powerful and important story. I recommend it.)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away
-Watching butterflies dance and perch on the butterfly bush at the nursery. We bought one of the plants, so I'm hoping it attracts them as much at home.
-An icy cool blackberry smoothie on a very hot summer day.
-Watching The Holiday and dreaming of living halfway around the world, and then realizing that, come September, I will be.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
all you need is love (and dandelions)

-Having dandelion wars in the park. Big, fluffy, feathery dandelions were everywhere and Rob decided to grab a handful and smack them on my head. I didn't even realize it until it looked like a chicken had exploded behind me. We had so much fun.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
a woman's right to shoes

Monday, June 02, 2008
wise stumbles
-My niece looking at me with such a soulful look, I swear she's got a ton of wisdom tucked in that adorable head of hers. I can't wait to see it bit by bit.
-A great long chat with a good friend.
-Stumbling upon a fantastic movie: The Girl in the Cafe. I'd never heard of it, but was drawn by the Damien Rice song playing at the beginning of it. What I expected to be lightly romantic was romantic in its own way, but also thought provoking and inspiring.