Saturday, July 21, 2007

salutations and stratus clouds

-Nicole and I having to stop and let a herd of people taking an Atlanta tour on those wierd futuristic, one-wheeled things go by. The leader said a very formal and serious, "Please, excuse us," which just added more hilarity to the did my salute in their direction after they were gone.

-Talking about mission theology, and David Bosch in particular, and finding a copy of Transforming Mission in the sacristy library. I randomly opened it to a page, and there was my favorite quote of the whole book:
"We are all recipients of the same mercy, sharing in the same mystery. We thus approach every other faith and its adherents reverently, taking off our shoes, as the place we are approaching is holy."

-Wispy stripes of white clouds brushed against the light blue sky. Something about that sight relaxed me.

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