Wednesday, October 08, 2008

a rose by any other name

-Picking a little rose in the park (I know, it's probably not allowed) and smelling its rainy, sweet fragrance. It instantly took me from the cold rain of Belfast to sunny afternoons at my Grandparents' ranch (the Ol' Magnolia) spent playing and smelling the roses outside when I was young.
-Working from Common Grounds and enjoying the busyness and crowd of people swirling all around me as I slowly sipped my tea and read my book (and argued with it in my mind and along the margins the whole time). Certain parts of it reminded me of friends far away and I thought of all of the theological discussion we would have over the author's use of scripture.

-Committing to only buying clothes at charity shops and starting off with great success: a silky, deep purple blouse with fun round buttons and a funky butter-yellow belt.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Hi Whitney! I tilted my head to the left to view the Common Grounds photo and wondered if you imagined that would happen when people looked at it. :) I am enjoying your adventures - keep 'em coming!