Friday, May 27, 2011

let's catch up, cookie

Yay, Blogger is cooperating again! Apparently it decided to go to Costa Rica for a few days and take a vacation. It's now rested up and running again. Let's catch up, shall we?

-A very meaningful conversation about mission, evangelism, peacemaking and the World Council of Churches, all conducted informally via facebook with a friend who works for the WCC in Geneva.

-Having the lovely wee lass from Tee + Toast, who I always made a point to visit at St. George's Market in Belfast, send me a greeting via facebook. She makes the most whimsical, creative things. What a fun person...I'm glad to be back in touch.

-This hilarious and oh-so-predictable video of my nieces that was posted on my sista's blog.

-Randomly running into Rachel and her little one Ian and enjoying the way that seems to happen kinda often.

-The way my dog Hayden gets so playful after a bath. He absolutely hates being bathed, but afterwards when he's all fluffy and clean he just bounds around the house.

-The satisfaction of pulling up weeds (or in this case oak blooms trying to make trees in the middle of a flowerbed).

-Making decadent, delicious chocolate chip cookies, just 'cause I felt like it.

(I had to include a couple of pictures of my precious little guy.)

(Such a contemplative little fellow.)


BeluBelloBelle said...

tea+toast+cookies, what a bless time u've got :)

Whitney said...

:) I get pretty excited about fresh chocolate chip cookies!